Many ways to celebrate Earth Day
Organize a Community Clean-Up in a park in Waterloo (April)
Because every neighbourhood can use a bit of spring cleaning!
During the entire month of April, Tim Horton’s and the Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo will sponsor your group’s litter clean-up activity on public parkland. Register on-line for free supplies and Tim Hortons’ prizes, while quantities last. Help make a difference in your neighbourhood greenspace! Note: The Clair Hills Community Association is hosting its annual Spring Clean Up on April 20th. Learn more here!
20 Minute Makeover Event (Friday, April 19, 2013)
Bring some Earth Day into your Work Day!
Help remove litter. See the difference 20 minutes can make! On Friday, April 19 at 2 p.m. stop what you are doing for 20 minutes and give your property a makeover! Geared to businesses, churches and schools in Waterloo. Sign up your organization to receive free litter clean-up supplies by registering on-line.
Tim Horton’s Community Clean-Up Event (Sat April 20, 2013)
Help remove litter and make a difference in your community!
Join us in Waterloo Park on Saturday, April 20, 2013 between 10 a.m. to noon for the annual Community Clean-Up Event sponsored by Tim Hortons! Participants will receive a free t-shirt, refreshments and great prizes provided by Tim Hortons. Exchange a collected bag of litter in order to enter a draw to win a mountain bike! Draw takes place at noon – be there to win! For more information, visit:
Waterloo Earth Day Event (Saturday, May 4, 2013)
Laurel Creek Conservation Area, Waterloo 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Waterloo Earth Day is a free fun-filled day of family activities with an environmental theme. Activities include exploring the urban forest with tree planting, bird house building, live animals, games and cool stuff to touch.
For more information on the above events, visit or contact